asymptote inc provides methods and tools for innovative risk management. We focus on risk identification, the start point for robust risk assessment and mitigation; risks not identified are risks not managed.

Risk, of what?

Risk begins as an idea, a subjective expectation born of uncertainty that something untoward will happen. The expectation may be taken to be objective if the risk is associated with a reliable probability of occurrence- but the risk of most complex and wicked problems is subjective in origin. Understanding how something subjective can result in an objective event provides a critical lens into the construction of social risk.

Social Risk

Events associated with social risks emerge unexpectedly through the interaction of humans and machines. The scope of risk identification dramatically expands when it includes an understanding of how risks become real events through the learned experience and beliefs of all actors in a social environment.

Social Reality

The key concept is social reality- reality constructed with real actions of individuals based on commonly held facts and beliefs, like risk. Collectively these actions can then emerge as risk events. Stock markets crash because investors believe they will. Social response to the risk begets the event.

What we Do

We help identify and assess social risk with customized educational programs. We help designers and developers understand and explore the social risks attached to their plans. A constructivist approach to scenario-based methods of risk identification enhances the opportunity to reveal dramatic social risks to critial assumptions.

Some Recent Work

Examples of recent projects and work in-progress can be seen here. Comments and feedback are always appreciated.

About asymptote